Wednesday, September 23, 2009


Drawing with ballpoint, 2,5 by 8 inches.
After seeing a simple drawing by Matisse, "Le Grand Nu," I got inspired and made this frieze, recording my transforming body...


Momo Luna S!gnals said...

Hello Ria,

just because of the simple lines in this drawing gives it lots of intensity.


Ria Vanden Eynde said...

Thanks Momo! The actual drawing doesn't exist anymore, in a heedless moment I wanted to paint it à la Matisse, which didn't work, totally ruined it...still, I can do it again I suppose ;)

The Artist Within Us said...

As a man there is no way I can know what it is like to have breast cancer and undergo their removal. In my small circle of friends, two woman have undergone a double mastectomy. However as a man, these drawings do have a profound effect upon me.

Ria Vanden Eynde said...

Thanks VERY much Egmont!