Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Cretan Snake Goddess*

'Banksied' version of a Cretan snake goddess figurine (modified pic). For Banksy, see also post of August 1st. below.

I've had something with these snake goddess figurines ever since I learnt about them in high school. Apparently their function is still unclear, but it is assumed that they're kind of a fertility figure because of their exposed and amplified (!) breasts. Actually it's the breasts that intrigued me as a young girl. Becoming a woman, I wasn't that well-guided...Arms wide open holding snakes, symbolizing the renewal of life, she's believed to embody spiritual and psychic power of women. Missing a breast, later two and now with reconstructed breasts, I could/can still identify with her pose. So, here's my 'Banksied' version of her.


William Evertson said...

I like the way you are taking this idea. This piece has me thinking more about the fertility goddess figures common to so many disparate cultures and that they are probably produced by men. I could be wrong about that assumption and there probably isn't a way to know, but your treatment of the figure is what sets that type of thought in motion. All in all a very interesting dialogue on the subject of fertility, beauty and femininity.

Ria Vanden Eynde said...

Thx Bill, got some more up my sleeve ;) All the cooler that what I did to the piece seems to trigger thoughts like that! Cool, thx!

Momo Luna S!gnals said...

Hallo Ria,
allereerst dank je voor je aardige reactie op mijn blog. :-)

Ook ik hou van de beelden van deze godinnen. Ze stralen inderdaad kracht uit, wat imponeert en misschien ook wat beangstigt. De toevoeging, jouw interpretatie, op dit al zo sterke beeld maakt nog meer indruk. Temeer omdat dit (zoals Bill ook al aangaf) gedachten en emoties oproept die je aan het denken zetten over het hoe en waarom van dit imposante imago.

Ria Vanden Eynde said...

Hey Momo Luna, aha, I guessed right, we share the same lingo, though you're more to the North I think ;) Cool. It's totally okay for me to go on commenting in English though, I was just curious ;) Thx for your comment on this post, I consider it a great compliment that my 'modified figurine' might evoke those questions and reactions! Wow! Thx!